The Cowra Woodland Bird Program has monitored the progress of woodland birds for over twenty years. The survey runs four times a year over around 100 separate sites selected within a 30 kilometre radius around Cowra, in central New South Wales. This winter’s survey produced some good bird numbers for the time of year, a response to several good years of rain in wheatbelt of Australia.
Treasures of the woodlands
The Cowra Woodlands Birds Program spring survey was again spectacular as bird activity ramps up with the warmer weather and the breeding season begins in earnest. It was heartening to see a number of the rarer target birds this year: Diamond Firetails, a number of Brown Treecreepers, Gilbert’s Whistlers, a Chestnut-rumped Heathren and many Woodswallows; Masked, White-browed and Dusky.