The Cowra Woodlands Birds Program spring survey was again spectacular as bird activity ramps up with the warmer weather and the breeding season begins in earnest. It was heartening to see a number of the rarer target birds this year: Diamond Firetails, a number of Brown Treecreepers, Gilbert’s Whistlers, a Chestnut-rumped Heathren and many Woodswallows; Masked, White-browed and Dusky.
The Eastern Yellow Robin, often seen along bush paths in the eastern Australian bush.
The Red-rumped Parrot shows its iridescent greens and blues, the parrot’s red rump out of sight. Surprisingly this common parrot is becoming less common in the woodland regions.
The Little Raven inhabits the farmlands of south-eastern Australia. Often seen in large flocks across the woodlands.
These exquisite orchids hide among sparse grasses and herbs in less fertile areas.