Northern Territory Birds - Australia's Wonderful Birds

Northern Territory Australia

There are over 400 bird species to see in the Northern Territory of Australia: migrants on their way south; tropical and wetland birds, some with territories that extend to New Guinea and Indonesia; and the desert dwellers of the arid south. A good time to visit the north is the dry season between July and November.


Darwin is central for travel to Kakadu, Katherine and the Kimberley. There are many wetlands and forests near Darwin with excellent sites for water, forest and some dry-land birds


Kakadu National Park is an enormous wonderland with wetlands, rivers and sandstone escarpments. Home to over 280 bird species, many animals, plants and important aboriginal sites.

Blog: NT Five Day Bird Tour

Spectacular five day bird watching tour to Darwin, Kakadu, Pine Creek and Katherine area.

Sacred Kingfisher seen at Howard Springs Nature Park near Darwin, NT.

Sacred Kingfisher seen at Howard Springs Nature Park near Darwin, NT.

This Hooded Parrot was feeding in a park at Pine Creek, NT.

Lemon-bellied Flycatcher at Edith Falls near Katherine, NT.

Lemon-bellied Flycatcher at Edith Falls near Katherine, NT.

Wandering Whistling-ducks at Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve near Darwin, NT.

Wandering Whistling-ducks at Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve near Darwin, NT.

Little Friarbird at Mary River Ranger Station, NT.

Little Friarbird at Mary River Ranger Station, NT.