The Byron Bay rural, rainforest and mountain hinterlands provide refuge for the rich and famous as well as those seeking a gentle and grounded lifestyle. Amongst the rural properties many seek to restore and regenerate the original rainforest cover, most of which was removed for farming last century. Some estates are large with several hundred hectares replanted; some are managed by teams of gardeners. Others are smaller, created by the labor of nature enthusiasts. The Byron Bird Buddies survey a number of these estates to monitor their progress as they to return as havens for rainforest birds.
The highlight from a survey conducted this week was the sight of this Noisy Pita in a very successful replanted rainforest. In 1942 this land was a treeless dairy farm, as shown on surveillance photos taken during the Second World War. There are still enormous tree stumps within the regenerated forest, a reminder of the relentless clearing that took place long ago.
In the estate’s garden a group of six female Regent Bowerbirds were feeding, further proof of the quality of the bush nearby.
Red-browed Finches are regularly seen along the road-sides and clearings in the bush, more usually in the grasses than in this tree on the edge of the replanted area.
Approximately 150 Topknot Pigeons were counted, in large flocks too-ing and fro-ing across the sky, then roosting in the taller trees. Topknot Pigeons feed on the seed of the introduced Camphor Laurel trees; a species that filled the void that followed as dairy farming became uneconomic.
A Brown Thornbill, seen in many different habitats in the Byron and Northern Rivers NSW region.