Byron Bay

Barred Cuckoo-shrikes

A flock of fifteen to twenty birds caught our attention at this week’s survey at Tyagarah, in the Northern Rivers Region of New South Wales. They were diving and weaving with flocks of Figbirds and hard to identify. After considerable discussion, barring seen in some of the photos indicated the birds were Barred Cuckoo-shrikes, unusual to see near the coast.

An immature Barred Cuckoo-shrike at Tyagarah, in Northern New South Wales. All but two of the other birds in the photos taken of the cuckoo-shrikes showed immature birds like this one, with several photos showing seven or eight cuckoo-shrikes in the same shot.

Bird in flight. These unfamiliar birds caused a lot of head scratching with their rapid movement through a stand of large eucalyptus trees.

The bird on the right looked different to the other, it could possibly be a Barred Cuckoo-shrike in juvenile plumage? The CSIRO Australian Bird Guide says that juvenile plumage is only worn briefly and not much is known about it.

This was the only adult seen in all the photos and unfortunately this was the best photo I had of it.

Byron Bay Wetlands after the Cyclone

Cyclone Alfred brought 120 km per hour winds and hundreds of millimetres of rain to the Northern Rivers Region last week. Fortunately the damage overall has been minor compared to the 2022 floods but still many houses and farms were badly affected. At the wetlands the visual damage was limited to broken branches and debris. The affect on the birds is harder to discern.

These two Black-necked Storks seemed very happy with the extra water in I Cell at the Byron Bay Wetlands. Their colours sparkling in the newly arrived autumn sun.

The Little Shrike-thrush (now called the Arafura Shrikethrush), a less often seen bird in the wetlands but reasonably common in the Byron area.

Still some cukoos around the area as demonstrated by this Shining Bronze-Cuckoo seen in F Cell. But the Pheasant Coucals seem to have disappeared at this time.

More from Byron Wetlands in February

The majestic female Black-necked Stork made a visit to the Byron Bay Wetlands last week. A few hours earlier, a Wedge-tailed Eagle circled the large pond in Cell H. Breeding activity continues, as demonstrated by the presence of numerous cuckoos and lots of feeding activity. Silvereyes have joined the list of parents feeding their young; and a juvenile Black-faced Monarch indicates breeding in the area.

More information about this significant wetland at Byron Bay in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales can be seen at the Byron Bird Buddies website.

This female Black-necked Stork was directly in front of the birdhide and was startled by my arrival. It took off towards the south, slowly circling and gaining altitude before it finally headed off in a northerly direction.

The Black-necked Stork at the Byron Bay Wetlands, close to the H Cell birdhide.

A more common majestic sight in the wetlands, the elegant Black Swan.

This juvenile Black-faced Monarch has still to develop the distinctive black face of the adult bird.

Scores of Silvereyes were feeding on insects in the trees bordering I Cell. And there were numerous parents attending to the needs of their offspring.

This female Rufous Whistler and male companion below were also making the most of the insects feeding on the I Cell trees. Caterpillars seemed to be a popular snack.

The male Rufous Whistler was there too, keeping its distance in the background.

Later on, as the sun was setting, some fifteen White-breasted Woodswallows were gathering on the wires above the wetland carpark, using it as a base to pursue the flying insects.

Both Pied and Grey Butcherbirds are seen in the wetlands, with this Pied Butcherbird a less frequent visitor.

Mullumbimby Survey

This weeks survey was very special. My first view ever of a Koala in the wild. I have been expecting to see one for many years, so finally! This particular Koala had been tagged and on following up it transpires that it is a 12 year old female who had been treated for chlamydial conjunctivitis two years ago and released nearby. Another first was the White-eared Monarch, a first close sighting and a first photo of this species.

An aged but healthy looking Koala resting in a road side tree. The tree it was in was planted by the Byron council as part of a conservation corridor suitable for Koalas!

Let’s move - a little. Our Koala readjusts in its resting place.

The White-eared Monarch, a bird seen the length of the Queensland coast and as far south as Taree. Not a common bird but can be found around the Byron area in several locations.

Two White-throated Honeyeaters, another bird towards the southern end of its distribution. I had previously only seen this species in Darwin. Again not common but an occaisional passer by.

Byron Bay Wetlands in February

Summer moves on but the breeding activity at the wetlands is still in full swing. The number and variety of cuckoos in the wetlands indicate there are plenty of opportunities for their parasitic egg laying too. Breeding species noted so far this month include Rufous Whistlers, Purple Swamphens, Fairy Martins, Brush Cuckoos, and Lewin’s Honeyeaters. The presence of juvenile Cicadabirds, Little Bronze-cuckoos and others indicates they may be breeding in the wetland or nearby.

There are often Fairy Martins at the north end of D and E Cells. This is the first time I have observed young feeding here.

This young Brush Cuckoo was calling loudly waiting for its food. The juvenile colours are quite different to the adult grey and buff with black and white cuckoo markings on the tail.

I lined up my camera with the juvenile and waited. Soon the surrogate mother arrived, a tiny Superb Fairy-wren.

It appears this Superb Fairy-wren has some very strong feelings about its oversized charge.

Little Bronze-Cuckoos are one of the less frequently seen species in the wetland but the presence of this juvenile could mean they are breeding here or closeby?

The female Cicadabird, very different to her grey coloured male counterpart. Cicadabirds have been calling most days over the past month.

Good to see a Sacred Kingfisher, the first seen for several months.

There are still good numbers of Latham’s Snipes to be seen, now scattered around the wetland.

An early start resulting in photos of each of the three White-necked Herons in Cell E enjoying an early morning feed.

Beach Stone-curlew Crab Hunting Action

Crabs are reputedly the Beach Stone-curlew’s favorite food. As these pictures show this Beach Stone-curlew is indeed a master crab hunter.

First corner the crab.

Make sure it doesn’t run for its hole!

A cunning trick to let the crab think it has the curlew by the beak! But the curlew quickly begins disarming the crab by removing its legs.

The Beach Stone-curlew is now in control.

But not home and dry yet. Some further evasion is needed to secure the crab from other hungry beachgoers.

Belongil Beach Action

There are often terns, gulls, lapwings, and cormorants at the mouth of Belongil Creek. Other regulars include egrets, bee-eaters, pardalotes, Osprey and Sea-Eagles, with the occaisional sighting of a Beach Stone-curlew. Red-capped and Double-banded Plovers, Pacific Golden Plovers and other migrants turn up from time to time. Last weeks it was the Little Terns that stole the show, as well as a crab hunting Beach Stone-curlew. A group of Pacific Golden Plovers were also seen.

A regular at Belongil Creek, this very photogenic Eastern Osprey makes a low pass over the beach.

Little Terns really are little, when seen here next to two Common Terns and in the background three Crested Terns.

This Beach Stone-curlew looks to be in a bit of a muddle but is in fact a very accomplished crab hunter

Byron Bay Wetlands in January

Byron Bay Wetlands in Byron Bay, Northern Rivers district of New South Wales, is an important haven for many birds species, including the migratory Latham’s Snipe. As the summer moves on the snipe have moved to the ditches and waterways through the wetland. While the wetlands seem quiet, there are still many birds making their way in the malaleuca woodlands and reedbeds.

A pretty picture in the greenery, the colourful White-cheeked Honeyeater.

This Latham’s Snipe was resting close to one of the drains that move water through the wetlands.

This male Cicadabird chose the highest branch of the highest tree to broadcast his cicada like song.

There were two Nankeen NIght Herons in the wetlands yesterdy, in the same area that a flock of six had been previously seen.

Another pretty setting for this Red-browed Finch.

An unusual display by a Bar-shouldered Dove, tail splayed to show its full colours.

Little Wattlebirds have moved into the woodlands during January, presumably in response to fruition of a new food source.

Bush Regeneration in the Byron Hinterland

Today’s visit to a bush regeneration site in the Byron Bay Hinterland was another revelation as to what can be done with hard work and money in this wonderful climate where rainforest grows rapidly. And as a result there were many interesting birds to see.

An Azure Kingfisher watches over a small pond.

These Chestnut-breasted Mannikins are feeding on reeds planted at the pond’s side.

And Chestnut-breasted Mannikins feeding in the grasses.

Plumed Whistling Ducks have moved into the estate.

Byron Bay Wetlands at Christmas

Bird numbers are down in the hot weather over Christmas but still much to see in the wetlands. Yesterday’s visit highlights were a flock of six Nankeen Night-Herons, juvenile Leaden Flycatchers and a juvenile Restless Flycatcher, all seen on the second path through F Cell. The Latham’s Snipes have dispersed to the various drains, with five seen in total.

These Leaden Flycatchers have been calling at this spot in Cell F for several weeks, but this was the first time I saw them together. Here is the female Leaden Flycatcher.

The male Leaden Flycatcher was close by.

And not too far away this Restless Flycatcher near its nest directly above the track. One chick, transitioning from juvenile colours, was close to the nest.

Swamp Wallably, often be seen around the wetland entrance. Here keeping an eye on proceedings for some 60 seconds before turning and rushing away.

Eastern Yellow Robins keep to the “rainforest’" patch of the wetlands, preferring the heavier shade and coolness.

Yellow Thornbills are not that often seen here, they have been visiting the last two weeks.

Byron Bay Wetlands in December

Byron Bay Wetlands are on the north side of Byron Bay township in the Northern Rivers Region of New South Wales. As summer arrives there is a lot of breeding activity underway. We are watching nesting Restless Flycatchers, Lewin’s Honeyeaters, Red-browed Finches, Dusky Moorhen, and Silvereyes. The Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoos have arrived and the Shining Bronze-Cuckoos have left? Several Nankeen Night Herons have been active in the area. Rainbow Lorikeets have arrived in force on the park outskirts.

This Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo was busy in the E Cell reedbeds, first calling and then appearing on this small shrub for a photo.

White-cheeked Honeyeaters come and go but are here in numbers right now feeding on the Swamp Banksias in flower.

A large group of young Red-browed Finches were very enthusiatic at feeding time, at times getting in quite a tangle when the parents arrive with food.

A Varied Triller, responsible for a unique call often heard in the wetlands.

There are a least two Nankeen Night Herons in the area, this one is feeling exposed in a burnt patch of marshland bush.

Another regular but not always easy to see, this White-browed Scubwren happily exposed and posed, nicely lit in the early morning light.

Not sure if this material is only for the Silvereye’s nest, or there is a tasty treat wrapped up in this cocoon.

A cloud of Fairy Martins patrol the northern end of Cell E.

Two Wandering Whistling-Ducks have graced the Cell E pond for the last week.

Back to the Booyong Flora Reserve

Booyong Flora Reserve is a 13 ha rainforest remnant of the Big Scrub that once covered the Northern Rivers, New South Wales plains between Lismore and Byron Bay. The rainforest here is “White Booyong Sub-alliance”, one of three major types found across the Big Scrub. The major tree species are White Booyong, Pepperberry, Myrtle Ebony, Red Cedar, Oliver’s Sassafras, Green-leaved Rose Walnut, Marara, Black Bean, White Beech, Koda, Black Apple, Giant Water Gum, and Small-leaved Fig. On the western track many of the trees are labelled, providing an insight to the richness of the flora. Care is needed here as the tracks are somewhat overgrown.

A Large-billed Scrubwren, photographed in gloomy undergrowth at 1/50 sec and ISO 12,800. The quality of this photo has been helped greatly by Lightroom’s AI powered denoise. Photography was difficult with thick bush and low light, and birds more often heard than seen. 

A Fan-tailed Cuckoo, an unexpected sighting. There was a full range of pigeons calling - Brown Cuckoo-Doves, Wonga Pigeons, Brown-capped Emerald-Doves, Rose-crowned Fruit-Doves, and Topknot Pigeons. The sounds of the reserve confirm the richness of species with pigeons, wailing Green Catbirds and Eastern Whipbirds forming the chorus.

This Grey Shrike-thrush was adding its song. 

The iconic Red Cedar, a valuable timber for building and furniture, propelled land clearing and the forest industry the length of the New South Wales coastal regions during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In the Northern Rivers Region this species is more often represented by a six foot high, rotting stump.

Snipe count at Belongil Ponds

Behind the surf and sand hills of Belongil Beach, north of Byron Bay in New South Wales Northern Rivers region, are the remnant wetlands left by the ancient wanderings of Belongil Creek. The number of Latham’s Snipes in the area are counted as part of an Australia wide count that keeps track of numbers of this endangered bird species. At last weeks count there were nine snipe feeding in the reeds and grasses of the wetland’s shores.

No snipe in this particular pond but this Dusky Moorhen has chosen it to build an island nest. There were also two Wandering Whistling-Ducks making their distinctive call on the pond’s bank.

This White-breasted Woodswallow was busy with nest building. A pair of Magpie-larks were also nesting nearby.

Tyagarah Nature Reserve

Just north of Byron Bay in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales is Tyagarah beach, best known for nature loving sunbathers. The reserve is another rich bird watching place with bush extending north to Brunswick Heads.

A female Leaden Flycatcher seen near the large pond on the left as you enter the reserve area on the entrance road.

A Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo - not so common in Byron Bay with the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo seen more often here.

Byron Bay Wetlands in November

Some rarer birds have been seen in the first days of November. A Pale-vented Bush-hen was seen during a nature walk and very unusually a Diamond Dove seen in Cell E. The Radjah Shelduck is still here, looking a bit lost at this stage. The Brush Cuckoo and the Pheasant Coucal are constantly calling. And there are a number of birds still on their nests, including the White-winged Trillers and the Mistletoe birds.

A lost Radjah Shelduck was walking in circles making a rather sad hoarse whistling sound.

Another wetland inhabitant busy making its nest, the Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike.

This Buff-banded Rail seems to be getter bolder by the day and is regularly seen on the Cell E pond.

Finches tend to congregate where the wetlands adjoin a neighbouring large sports field. This Double-barred Finch was flying down to the sports ground’s grass.

A Black-shouldererd Kite surveys Cells D and E from this central tree.

A lot of Tawny Grassbirds flapping around and calling, presumably nesting?

Always present, often feeding in and around the wetland ponds, Magpie Larks make their presence known by their call, the famous “Peewee…”which became a common name for this bird.

The female Red-backed Fairy-wren is feeding just before dusk in grasses close to a pond.

Close by, the male Red-backed Fairy-wren is also feeding

Majestic Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos circle the outskirts of the wetland.

It is half and hour after sunset. These Royal Spoonbills and Black-winged Stilts seek a safe roost in the middle of the Cell E pond.

Byron Bay Wetlands in October

More birds are arriving in October as the weather warms. Water birds are increasing; one reason is better management of the wetland ponds to allow larger areas of mudflat for waders to feed. There are more cuckoos, with almost constant calls of Pheasant Coucals during the day. The highlight was the presence of over a dozen Latham’s Snipe in E Cell and more in other wetland ponds. Despite regular watches in the evenings of the full moon, no Bitterns have been heard to date this year.

My one pair of Mistletoe birds at the wetland gates has been increased by numerous Mistletoe birds across the wetlands.

This Brush Cuckoo made its haunting call a number of times, but was finally spotted in the later evening near the bird-hide. This picture was taken at ISO 5000 and its graininess cleaned up using Lightroom AI based Denoise.

Another regular songster the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo.

Over a dozen Latham’s Snipes were seen in the pool at Cell E in the wetlands. This picture was taken from the “mobile bird hide” , i.e. the driver’s window of the car, as opening the car door would have sent the Snipes into rapid flight.

White-throated Needletails flying high arrive with an incoming storm, the original storm birds.

The White-winged Triller is a rare visitor to the wetland. This bird is one of a pair nesting in a tree recovering from fire. This tree has its feet in water.

One of a pair of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, migrants arriving from the northern hemisphere after their long flight.

Belongil Creek Estuary

Belongil Creek estuary in Byron Bay New South Wales was once a place for water birds, migrating birds and sea birds to congregate. It still accomodates an impressive range of bird species, but you would suspect that before the presence of dogs, holiday makers and electric bikes there would have been a lot more. A large roped area protects breeding Red-capped Plover. Unfortunately no sign of the Little Terns that used to breed here.

Royal Spoonbills roam the large mown grass areas behind the beach, an unecessary tidiness that gives holiday patrons a sense of security. 

Though the presence of this Purple Swamphen chick is a positive sign of the area’s environmental health.

Individual birds like this egret move from spot to spot, this time chased by one of the younger beachgoers.

An Eastern Rosella feeding on nuts in a Casaurina.

Rainbow Bee-eaters perch on small beachside trees, feeding along the beach.

Bush Regeneration with Flowers

Most of the wonderful bush regeneration sites in the Byron Hinterland in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales attempt to faithfully recreate the original habitat and bush, and many are spectacular successes. But last week’s Byron Bird Buddies survey was at a site where flowering plants (mainly native or cultivars of natives) and smaller native shrubs and trees dominate. The result was a very different avifauna, dominated by honeyeaters and small birds.

We saw nine different species of Honeyeater over the morning: this Scarlet Honeyeater, Brown Honeyeaters, Lewins Honeyeaters, White-cheeked Honeyeaters, three White-thoated Honeyeaters, Yellow-faced Honeyeaters, Noisy Friarbirds, Little Wattlebirds and Blue-faced Honeyeaters.

A Brown Honeyeater. Many of the honeyeaters were seen on this domestic species of Grevillea. Domestic Grevilleas and other flowering natives dominated large parts of the planting.

The smaller birds were well represented, as per this Chestnut-breasted Mannikin.

A Golden-heaed Cisticola watches from a fence. Other birds seen included Brown Quail, Red-browed Finches, Red-backed Fairy-wren, Tawny Grassbirds, Common Cicadabird and Varied Trillers.

Byron Bay Birds on the day of the Glossy Count

Our mission to find any Glossy Black-Cockatoos feeding in the Byron Bay region provided a chance to see the area’s varied bird life. The Great Glossy Black-Cockatoo Count is an Australia wide survey undertaken the first week of spring to find out where these special birds are present. Although no Glossies were found in Byron Bay on the day, that is still important information, and in fact signs were seen that they had been feeding recently at nearby Brunswick Heads. The day turned out to be a good day for spotting the local birds and for photography.

The Sacred Kingfisher, one of three kingfisher species living in the Byron shire.

A Red-capped Plover has a difficult life, feeding on the local beaches. Unfortunately numbers have decreased as the number of swimmers, surfers, dogs, cyclists and vehicles has increased.

Rainbow Bee-eaters are busy at this time of the year.

A Noisy Friarbird chases an Eastern Osprey; perhaps it is protecting a nest nearby?

The Beach Stone-curlew, hidden away, is a rare sight on New South Wales beaches.

A single Pacific Golden Plover seen at a river mouth, the only migrant bird seen all day. You could surmise that there would have to been many more of these arrivals from northern Asia, once upon a time.

Tallow Creek

Tallow Creek in Suffolk Park, north New South Wales is a hot spot for birds. It also provides a virtual photographer’s backdrop of scenes, settings and lighting with soft light mellowed by the reeds and waters of the creek.

A Golden-headed Cisticola in the reeds at Tallow Creek.

A White-breasted Woodswallow poses at the water’s edge.

This Pied Oystercatcher is a regular at Tallow Beach.

An unusual sight, 250 Little Black Cormorants gather at Tallow Creek.