Flat Rock Ballina

Flat Rock Ballina after the Cyclone

Large numbers of birds have gathered this week at Flat Rock in Ballina, north New South Wales. Terns and Silver Gulls made up most of the gathering (terns were between two and three hundred in total) but there were also a number of other birds of interest to see, no doubt displaced by last weeks cyclone.

In March the Greater Sand Plover is donning its breeding colours before making its departure to Siberia. An unusual bird to see here; just this single bird present on Flat Rock.

There were about fifty Pacific Golden Plovers mixing it with the terns, here seen with Common Terns and Little Terns, and Crested Terns which made up the largest group of the terns present.

In amongst the terns was this solitary White-winged Black Tern, also an uncommon visitor to Flat Rock Ballina despite its wide range across eastern and northern Australia. This immature bird is sporting the famous “head-phones” quoted to identify this bird.

A group of about twenty of the Pacific Golden Plovers takes flight; a novel sight.

I saw only three Ruddy Turnstones, this one looking decidedly worse for wear, perhaps having a rough time in the recent cyclone.

There seemed to be plenty to eat, but only a few birds fishing at the time of my visit (just before low tide).

Flat Rock is a good place to find a Wandering Tattler, its Alaskan/north Russian origin a reminder of the vast distances travelled by some visitors to rocky outcrops like Flat Rock

March visit to Flat Rock Ballina

Flat Rock is a small headland shaped patch of horizontal rocks north of Ballina in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales. It has a constant population of terns and cormorants and acts as a gathering place for shore birds.

This adult Red-necked Stint has started to gain the red coloration of its breeding plumage. By June-July the red coloration will have extended across its neck and face and upper parts of its back.

A group of Little Terns are dwarfed by the larger birds of the colony.

There were a dozen Little Terns on the rocks at Flat Rock, mingling with a large number of Crested Terns and a few Common Terns. This bird sports its adult breeding plumage.

The chase was on and this Crested Tern with fish in mouth takes evasive action to avoid a further group of five terns wanting to share in the catch.

About twenty Ruddy Turnstones were seen.

More migratory birds at Ballina

As September comes to an end, numbers of migratory birds at Ballina in New South Wales Northern Rivers region are increasing. Groups of shorebirds can be found at many of the town’s numerous rocky shores, estuaries and river banks.

Ballina has to be a hot spot for this iconic and perilously endangered group of birds. It might be even more spectacular with more protection from people and dogs for the birds and the areas they feed in.

A group of around thirty shore birds was seen at Lake Chickiba in Ballina; a well known gathering spot. This Pacific Golden Plover was one of a dozen of these colourful birds.

One of a group of Curlew Sandpipers at Lake Chickiba. The third migratory species seen there were Sharp-Tailed Sandpipers. Also present was a Royal Spoonbill, a Little Egret, Australian White Ibis, and a Mangrove Gerygone was calling.

At Flat Rock, Ballina the numbers of all species had increased, with 20 or so Red-necked Stints milling around.

There were more Ruddy Turnstones at Flat Rock, Ballina.

Two Tattlers keeping company at Flat Rock, Ballina. Again, distinguishing between the Grey-tailed and Wandering Tattler is difficult. The one on the right appears to be the rarer Wandering Tattler while the jury is still out for the bird on the left.

Hidden amongst 200 plus Crested Terns was this Common Tern (highlighted), the first of this species I had seen. The first Common Terns from northern Asia arrive in Ballina in September, with numbers swelling to a peak in December/January.

The Common Tern, visitor from the northern hemisphere, arrives in Ballina.

Migratory birds return

August is the month that migratory birds begin to return to Australia after their long journey to Siberia. Many of these birds can be seen on beaches in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales. Ballina is a hot spot for migratory birds.

This Ruddy Turnstone has just returned from its migration north to Siberia, flying great distances without a stop. It was photographed at Flat Rock at Ballina, feeding to regain weight and condition after a long and exhausting trip.

Weighing between 25 to 40 grams, the tiny Red-necked Stint has also just returned from Siberia. Stints move rapidly across the rocks, feeding on molluscs and crustaceans.

The Curlew Sandpiper is recognised by its curved bill. Another long distance traveller refuelling at Flat Rock Ballina. Numbers of Curlew Sandpipers have declined sharply since the 1980s.

These Sharp-tailed Sandpipers were feeding at the Byron Bay Wetlands. Sharp-tailed Sandpipers are the most numerous of the migrants found in both freshwater and saline wetlands.

Breakfast at Flat Rock, Ballina

A huge swell assaulted the Ballina, NSW coast yesterday together with a cold southerly wind, the first as winter comes closer. The resident bird population was lying low but a few individuals found their breakfast close to the rocks.

Crested Terns and Pied Cormorants on Flat Rock shelter from wind and the large surf nearby.

A Silver Gull feeds on fresh crab.

Surfing the wild waves has rewarded this Pied Cormorant with a hearty breakfast.

A not so fresh fish provides a large feed for this Silver Gull.