It has been a busy start to September in the Wetlands. Plenty of nest building and family raising action to be seen. Azure Kingfishers in a courting dance, Superb Fairy-wrens building nests, Tawny Grassbirds chasing and buzzing through the reeds, Masked Lapwings protecting their three chicks, a Pheasant Coucal calling. Also an unexpected visitor, a Radjah Shelduck a long way from its northern tropics home.
A rare visit from a Radjah Shelduck, more commonly found in the tropical north of Australia or the coastal rivers of north Queensland.
This Super Fairy-wren looks to be building a nest in the car park!
Identification of the sub-species of Silvereye can be difficult, with many overlaps of territory. This specimen appears to be the eastern sub-species Zosterops lateralis cornwalli.
Bar-shouldered Doves are often to be seen and more often heard around the wetlands.