Birdwatchers celebrate the arrival of the first Latham’s Snipe after the long flight from Japan and mainland Asia. The Snipes head north during the Australian winter to breed. They return for the Australian spring and summer, first returners arriving late in August to early September. Their flight time from Japan can be as short as three days! They are found in the vegetation and on the shore around wetlands such as found in Sydney’s Centennial Park, feeding on both plant material and worms, spiders and insects.
This Latham’s Snipe was the first sighted back in Sydney’s Centennial Park after returning from the northern hemisphere breeding season. It was seen in the park’s “Duck Pond” which as expected from the name usually supports large numbers of ducks: Pacific Black Ducks, Hardheads and Grey Teal as well as regular visits from Pink-eared and Freckled ducks. This year nearly all the ducks have gone, presumably to the flooded areas in the west of NSW.