Western New South Wales
New South Wales temperate woodlands stretch hundreds of kilometres from the coast then transition to the dry-lands and deserts of the inland. After European settlement the woodlands became the “wheat belt”, with removal of much of the original tree cover. Tree loss and drought are a serious ongoing challenge for woodland birds, particularly the small ones.
Cowra landowners have initiated the Cowra Woodland Birds Program; to replant bush, fence existing bush, and monitor bird numbers.
Leeton and Griffith
At Leeton and Griffith in the NSW Riverina birds make use of the canals, ponds and swamps of the “Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area” that supplies water for agriculture.
Rankin Springs
Coastal and dryland birds meet at Rankin Springs in mid-west New South Wales. The Lachlan Fold Wildlife Action Group monitor the Glossy Black Cockatoo population and provide nest boxes to support the area's unique wildlife.
Birds of the Bush
The NSW “bush” includes temperate rainforests, open woodlands and arid scrubs. Since the year 2000 two major droughts have affected woodland and dryland bird numbers.