Australia's Wonderful Birds

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Small birds at Tallow Creek

Some days the small birds turn up in force and today was one of those days. The best area to see them was around the old sewerage treatment ponds, between the camping ground and the bridge across Tallow Creek (at Byron Bay, New South Wales).

Male Red-backed Fairy-wren at Tallow Creek, Byron Bay in New South Wales. There were several large families, some fifteen birds seen, of Red-backed Fairy-wrens moving through the area.

The female Red-backed Fairy-wren lacks any colours of the male and in fact with its brown tail is the plainest of the Fairy-wrens.

A non-breeding male on its way to adulthood.

Numerous Red-browed Finches were present. Two Double-banded Finches moved too quickly for a photo.

The Superb Fairy-wren is always a popular subject for a photo.

A small flock of White-browed Scrubwren was feeding in the lower tree branches..