Feeding birds after the bush fires
Normally I do not feed birds, but often have water available for their use. After the bush fires I put out bird seed, fresh fruit and vegetables. I also pulled the netting off the raised bed vegetable garden to give access. The fresh fruit and vegetables were commandeered by the local Satin Bowerbirds who enjoyed chopped carrots but really loved grapes! The open garden bed became territory for a couple of Whipbirds and a Wonga Pigeon. But the bird seed was relatively untouched as the heavy rains after the fire brought on a bloom of seeding grasses and weeds. Now I am only feeding birds on request. Every few weeks or so there is a racket on the back verandah roof and a King-Parrot face hanging from the guttering, looking into the house, asking for a top up of bird seed.
This Australian King-Parrot was happy with a small plate of seed after sitting on the gutter calling for service.